The Well

KOR Water
Sip sustainably - Kor Water

What's So Great About Molecular Hydrogen?

         We all try our hardest to stay healthy and at peak condition but sometimes life gets in the way. Many factors can contribute to degenerative processes in our body. One of the main components is oxidative stress. You’re probably asking yourself, what is oxidative stress and how does it affect me? The bad news is, we all have oxidative stress. There are many factors that cause oxidative stress: lack of sleep, overexerting yourself, diet, pollution, and work stress just to name a few. You’ve probably experienced at least one from that list. Oxidative stress contributes to...

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KOR Water
Sip sustainably - Kor Water

Tips to Make the Most of your Summer

Summer is perhaps our favorite time of the year. The days are beautifully sunny (unless you are in San Francisco or anywhere in Arizona), the nights are perfectly warm for going out, and everything takes on a kind of youthful quality. It’s an entire season of possibility and adventure. The only hard part is deciding how to spend it. Here are some of our suggestions. Surprise surprise - one might involve hydration!   Get Outside Unless you live in a place where the cacti are melting, summer is a beautiful time of year to go out and enjoy nature. Whether...

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KOR Water
Sip sustainably - Kor Water

Quick and Easy Tips for a Healthier You!

We live in a fast paced world with a million different distractions. We at KOR are very focused on staying hydrated, of course, but also on keeping our bodies in peak performance mode. Even so, we constantly find ourselves taking short cuts, skipping workouts, and choosing fast food over home-cooked meals. We asked ourselves, what small changes can we make to super-charge our bodies without spending hours in the kitchen and the gym? We’ve collected some simple meal ideas for you to make at home as well as some quick, “literally anyone can do it” workouts that require zero gym...

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KOR Water
Sip sustainably - Kor Water

BPA: Why you don't want it and what KOR is doing about it

While looking through our various stylish and affordable water bottles, you may notice that we frequently boast that our bottles are “BPA-free.” If you find yourself scratching your head wondering “what is BPA, and why is it important that this bottle is free of it,” look no further! Here are some quick facts about BPA, and why we at KOR proudly make a point of keeping it out of our bottles. What is BPA, anyway? BPA, also known as bisphenol-A, is an industrial chemical that is commonly used in commercial products, most notably in several forms of plastic. This can...

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